Car dealer paid ad - (smtdeals)

Posted by: ARY | View all ads
Profile: Active since Jun-2015
Important Fraud and Safety notes:
Meet all sellers in-person to pay for items in person to avoid fraud. Never wire money to anyone. Cashier checks, checks and Money Grams can be faked. SoftYnvent and SocialMyTown do not offer any services to buyers and sellers such as escrow service, buyer protection and handling payments. Do not give any personal information such as social security number and bank accounts to anyone.
Meet all sellers in-person to pay for items in person to avoid fraud. Never wire money to anyone. Cashier checks, checks and Money Grams can be faked. SoftYnvent and SocialMyTown do not offer any services to buyers and sellers such as escrow service, buyer protection and handling payments. Do not give any personal information such as social security number and bank accounts to anyone.